I know you’re probably thinking “What’s the big deal in making a woman feel loved and special”.
Women only need money right? Well, sometimes but not all the time.
Women are a little bit difficult to understand. Sometimes you feel you’re getting it right and your woman is feeling you so bad but suddenly an alarm goes off!
You’ve just cut the wrong wire and you’re back at square one. So, now she is sulking or feeling insecure because she doesn’t feel loved.
Men are more practical and less emotional while women are actually the other way round.
So, how do you genuinely make your woman feel loved and special?
How do you show her how much you care? It’s pretty simple; you have to be both practical and emotional!
You can start by sending her powerful love notes that will literally melt her heart but that doesn’t have to be the end.
Here are other awesome ideas to make your woman feel loved and special.
1. Express your feelings for her
I know men are not so good with being emotional and romantic but women love it when you tell them how you feel about them.
Some women don’t feel loved because their men rarely express their feelings for them.
Even though you’ve told your woman how you feel, you need to keep saying it from time to time.
A woman expects her man to tell her every day how much he loves her and how many oceans he can cross just to make her happy.
If you want to make your woman feel loved and special, you have to express your feelings for her. I know it’s not easy but you can try.
You can start by telling her how you feel about her. Whisper some soft sweet romantic words that would make her toes curl with pleasure.
Look into her eyes and tell her how beautiful she has made your world and how her presence lights up your life.
She is definitely going to melt at those sweet magical words. Learn to use them often.
2. Shower her with compliments every day
If you haven’t been showering your woman with compliments, then you’ve clearly been missing out on the necessary things.
You need to seriously invest in compliments. Tell her how beautiful she is.
Tell her how smart and resourceful she is. Remind her of why you fell in love with her.
Tell her how happy she makes you feel and how lucky you are to have such a wonderful lady in your life.
When she puts on a new outfit that looks good on her, compliment her appearance.
If she’s wearing a new perfume that you like, tell her you love how good she smells.
Women need to hear these words to make them feel warm inside.
You may think that you have to climb mountains to please a woman but it’s not often true.
The little romantic things you do can go a long way in strengthening your relationship even though they seem insignificant to you.
Don’t forget to compliment your woman regularly. She’s definitely going to feel special when she hears those nice words.
3. Give her your full attention
I know you have a lot of things to do. You’re probably busy with other important activities.
You have deadlines to meet up at the office, weekly events to attend and your family needs you but you still have to spend time with your love.
Create time for your woman; give her some of your attention. Let her know how important she is to you by making out time for her.
It’s impossible to give her all of your attention but giving her some part of it isn’t going to get you sacked!
As you go about your work, don’t forget to check in on her daily.
Send her little love messages during the day and please stop looking for excuses not to go out during the weekends.
We all get tired and stressed but somehow, we need to find time to release stress and have fun.
Put a smile on your woman’s face by either taking her to the cinema or go on a date night once a week. Surprise her with something romantic!
11 Things She Wants to Hear You Say But Won’t Tell You
4. Prepare a spa bath for her before bed
You know how hard your woman works every day. Even though she doesn’t have a job taking care of kids and the house can often be overwhelming.
Help her release some stress and calm her nerves down by preparing her a hot spa bath at the end of a tiring day.
Give her shoulders, arms, back, thighs, and feet a nice rub. Show her how much you care about her and her health.
Prepare a spa bath for her to help her relax well. This can be a great way to show that you really care about her.
5. Do something special for her
Whether it’s your woman’s birthday or not, do something special for her.
It doesn’t have to be a big gesture; anything small and thoughtful could go a long way.
Buy her something special without a reason!
Help her with some house chores regularly.
Surprise her by preparing her favorite meal, taking her to dinner, buying tickets to a concert or renting her favorite movie.
Do something nice out of the blue. Be romantic towards her all the time. You know what she likes so do those things from time to time.
6. Make passionate love to her:
Most couples are used to having routine sex and this can often feel boring. Others don’t even bother to make love anymore.
When intimacy is lost in a relationship, most women feel that their partners are no longer attracted to them.
Don’t make your woman feel this way. Show her how much you love her by making passionate love to her.
Take your time and explore all her beautiful curves. Make her feel irresistible in bed.
Pay attention to her body and give her exactly what she needs. It is more than just receiving and releasing; it’s time to give, give and give!
You have to be emotionally connected; it’s not about how many rounds you can go or about how many positions you can change.
It’s all about connecting with your partner and showing her how much love you have in your heart for her.

7. Flaunt her in public:
Women love it when a man shows them off to his family and friends.
We love it when you introduce us as “the Queen of your heart” or “your heartbeat”.
We want to know that we are the most important person in your life.
So, next time you are invited to a cool party, take your woman along and flaunt her well. She’s going to feel on top of the world.
You could also try flirting lightly with her in public; hold her hand or wrap your hand around her waist when you go out together.
8. Call or text her spontaneously:
Some men never call their women unless there is an emergency or they want to pass some information on. That is so wrong!
Call her without a reason; just call or text her to ask about work or her day.
Even if you live in the same house, call her when she is at her place of work or somewhere else.
Show her some love by calling her or texting her during the day just to check up on her.
Send her a random text in the middle of the day just to say “I love you” or “I miss you”.
It would certainly make your woman feel loved and special.
9. Show interest in her work or career
If you want to show your woman you love her, show genuine interest in her work.
I’m not saying you should interfere in her private affairs, but be interested in what she is investing her time, money, and energy in.
Support her in any way you can; financially, emotionally, spiritually, etc.
If she has issues at work and wants to discuss it with you, listen to her and offer the right solutions to the problem.
10. Don’t forget the little things:
Most times, the little things you do for a woman are the ones that matter the most, because it shows how willing you are to make your relationship work.
It shows how thoughtful you are and how much she means to you.
Don’t let the little things fade away.
Remember to open the door for her, pull out her chair, hold her hand affectionately, hug her from behind for no reason at all and kiss her often.
All these little things speak louder than even the words you say.
If you want to make your woman feel loved and special, surprise her with this inflatable hot tub that seats 4 people.
It is completely portable so you can take it with you on your vacations or relax at home.
It has air jets and a cushioned floor, making it easy for her to relax and unwind.
She can enjoy the luxury of a hot tub by herself or as a romantic treat with you on a fancy date night at home.
Real romance isn’t about getting; it’s about giving!
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