25 Things You Should Never Say To Your Partner

25 Things You Should Never Say To Your Partner

There are so many sweet words you can say to your significant other to make them feel loved and special.

But do you know the things you should never say to your partner in the heat of an argument?

Using hurtful words in a committed relationship can be detrimental, so it’s important to avoid them at all costs no matter how angry you are.

What are some hurtful words to avoid in your relationship? In this post, I’m going to give you a list of hurtful words you should never use in a romantic relationship.


Most people don’t know the real impact of saying hurtful things to a romantic partner.

One of the major reasons of knowing what not to say to your significant other is that hurtful words said in anger can never be taken back.

Here are other reasons why you should never use hurtful words in your relationship

1. The goal of an argument is to understand each other better

According to relationship experts, fighting is actually healthy for a relationship because when couples fight constructively, they become more in tune with each other.

Having a healthy fight can help you understand your partner more if it’s done in a productive way.

If your aim is to increase emotional intimacy in your relationship, avoid using harsh statements during a fight.

Saying the wrong words to your partner can negatively impact their character and your love life in the long run.

2. Your partner is your teammate not your enemy

In the heat of the moment, most couples forget that they’re a team rather than opponents.

This is not a healthy way to deal with conflict because you can unknowingly engage in personal attacks and create negative feelings in your relationship.

The major rule of healthy partnerships is to prioritize effective communication.

If you want to have a successful relationship, stop trying to make your partner look like a bad person when you have arguments and be more intentional about finding real solutions to specific issues.

3. Hurtful words can leave lifetime scars

Couples in a healthy relationship often use the three magic words to make each other feel loved, special, and wanted.

This is because words are powerful when used to communicate and verbally abusing your partner can cause emotional pain.

In the same vein, using negative words can hurt your partner’s feelings and even cause mental health issues in the long run.

As a couple, it’s important to be mindful of using unhealthy communication styles like name calling, giving the silent treatment, or playing the blame game.

25 Things You Should Never Say To Your Partner

4. Harsh words can destroy your emotional connection

Emotional intimacy is created when a couple is open and vulnerable with each other.

This means that you openly communicate your feelings without fear of judgment or criticism.

When you use harsh words to express your thoughts or feelings, it can affect your partner badly and even destroy the emotional connection you have.

If you want to have a happy relationship, try to say positive things to your significant other even when you’re angry.

Don’t be quick to get into a defensive mode when you’re having an argument. Instead take a deep breath, calm down and focus on the real problem at hand.

5. You may lose the trust and intimacy you have in your relationship

Saying hurtful things to your partner or criticizing their personality can make them lose their trust in you.

When trust is lost in a relationship, it can be difficult to rebuild it. It’s crucial to choose your words carefully and avoid bringing up your partner’s past mistakes each time you argue.

Using this type of negative communication pattern can only lead to distrust and a lack of intimacy in your relationship.

According to licensed psychologist Dr. Bethany Cook, bringing up past issues is never a constructive thing to do during a disagreement.

Remember to only focus on what’s bothering you at the moment instead of putting your attention on all the problems you’ve ever had as a couple.

6. Negative hurtful words can make your partner feel unloved, insecure, and inferior

Whether your partner’s love language is words of affirmation or not, saying the right things to them can increase their self-esteem and confidence.

If you’re talking about a sensitive issue, be mindful of what you say to your significant other.

Using harsh statements can create feelings of inferiority or insecurity in your relationship.

This doesn’t mean you have to hide the truth or sugar-coat things, but it’s a good idea to find healthier ways to communicate instead of using negative communication styles.

7. You can never take back hurtful words once they’re said

When you say hurtful things to someone, you can never take them back because those words are going to be etched deep into their mind and they may never forget it.

According to clinical psychologist Elie Cohen, “You should never make a complaint that involves a personal attack on a person’s character.”

Instead of verbally insulting your partner, find common ground where you can talk things out like mature adults.

There is no need to throw around empty threats or use harsh statements when you argue if you want to have a happy relationship.

Examples of things you should never say to your partner


If you’re looking for examples of hurtful words that can be detrimental to a relationship, here is a list of hurtful words you should never say to your romantic partner in the heat of an argument:

1. You always do this

2. I hate you so much

3. You disgust me

4. I can’t stand you

5. I wish I never met you

6. I regret knowing you

7. I’m leaving you

8. You’ll never see the kids again

9. You are so pathetic

10. I wish you were dead

11. My ex was a better partner than you

12. You’re not good enough for me

13. You are out of your mind

14. I don’t want to ever see you again

15. You’re making a fool of yourself

16. How could you be so stupid?

17. That’s the dumbest thing you’ve ever said

18. I’m tired of putting up with your bullshit

19. I don’t believe you

20. Stay away from me 

21. You are a total disgrace

22. You should be ashamed of yourself

23. You are such a loser

24. It’s all your fault

25. You are a coward

I’ve given you some examples of hurtful words you can’t take back.

There are so many other harsh statements that can destroy a happy relationship even when you don’t mean them.

The best way to avoid saying regrettable things to your partner is to learn how to fight fair.

25 Things You Should Never Say To Your Partner


When people say hurtful things in anger, they always regret it later.

If you find out that you often say hurtful things to your partner when you fight or argue, it’s advisable to learn how to avoid using negative words before you cause irreversible damage to your relationship.

Here’s how to avoid saying hurtful things to your significant other:

1. Keep your emotions under control

The most important thing you can do to avoid using hurtful words during an argument is to control your emotions.

As soon as you get angry or raise your voice, you’re entering a dangerous zone.

Dr. Cook says that it is okay to point out patterns of behavior that bother you, but only when things are calm and none of you is upset or triggered.

You can keep your emotions under control by pausing for 5 seconds, taking a deep breath, unclenching your fists, and lowering your voice.

If you do this every time you feel yourself getting emotional, you’ll be in a better position to communicate effectively.

2. Avoid raising your voice when you argue

Raising your voice can be a defensive behavioral response to being attacked, but it’s never a good thing to do during an argument with your partner.

When you feel hurt, disrespected, or criticized, you may want to respond with harsh words as a way of gaining the upper hand. This is often a bad idea!

A sure-fire way to turn a little disagreement into a full blown heated argument is to start yelling.

The moment you raise your voice during an argument, you’re inviting your partner into the war zone and things can go downhill really fast.

No matter how pissed you are, try to control your temper and lower your voice when you talk.

3. Maintain physical contact with your partner

The key to staying connected to your partner during an argument is to maintain physical contact.

When you’re far away from each other, it can prompt you to throw your words from a distance so you can be heard.

Any time you want to discuss a sensitive issue with your partner, sit down close to each other and maybe even hold hands while you talk.

Maintaining physical contact during an argument can prevent you from getting angry and raising your voice.

Couples who stay close to each other when they talk often communicate better in their relationship.

So ensure to bridge the gap between you every time you discuss important issues.

4. Take a break when things get tense

Anytime you withdraw from a conversation or simply stop responding to your partner, you’re creating a communication gap between you.

Instead of shutting down completely or stonewalling your partner when things get tense, let them know that you need a break from the discussion.

A simple statement like “Let’s talk about this later” will show your significant other that you’re open to discussing the issue when you’re more calm and in a better mood.

As soon as you recognize tension in your conversation, take a break to give you both a few minutes to keep your emotions under control before you resume the discussion.

Sometimes, it’s okay to agree to disagree later to prevent a disagreement from escalating into a big fight.

How to avoid saying hurtful things to your partner

5. Avoid playing the blame game

Harsh statements like “You always do this” or “You never listen” are a perfect example of contempt which imply long-simmering feelings of negativity about your partner according to Dr. John from the Gottman Institute.

Try to take responsibility for your own actions and avoid playing the blame game anytime you argue with your partner.

Blaming your significant other for every little thing that goes wrong is not a good way to resolve conflicts.

In a healthy relationship, both partners accept full responsibility for their actions and they’re willing to work on resolving their problems in a productive way.

6. Don’t use negative communication styles

Research shows that there are certain kinds of toxic communication styles which can signal the end of a relationship.

Negative communication styles like criticism, contempt, defensiveness, and stonewalling are the biggest predictors of divorce among married couples.

Chanel Dokun, a certified NYC life planner says that ‘never’ is one of the most hurtful words you shouldn’t say to your partner during an argument because it communicates dismissiveness and a lack of appreciation for their efforts.

Try to use “I” statements to describe exactly how you feel and what you need from your relationship.

Being able to accurately identify your needs and effectively communicate them is a cornerstone to enjoying a healthy love life.


The secret to a successful relationship is to always have good intentions towards your partner even when you fight.

Couples who fight dirty often end up farther apart from each other. I’ve given you a list of things you should never say to your partner no matter what.

Learn to be sensitive to your partner’s feelings and try to communicate respectfully even when you’re angry.

This is the key to a successful relationship that can last for a lifetime!

25 Things You Should Never Say To Your

Recommended Reading:

How Often Do Couples Fight In A Healthy Relationship?

Top 10 Reasons Why Relationships Fail

How To Communicate Better With Your Partner

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