Do you think you’re the only woman in your man’s life? Has the thought ever crossed your mind that you may not be the only one?
Maybe your man tells you he loves you all the time but you’re not sure if he’s really committed to you.
Or he has promised to stay loyal after cheating on you with his ex and now you don’t trust him completely.
It can be difficult to tell if a man is faithful to you in a romantic relationship.
However, some tell-tale signs can let you know that your man is fully committed to you.
One of the biggest signs you’re the only woman in his life is that he’ll be attentive to your needs and go out of his way to make you happy.
In this article, we look at how to tell if your man is loyal to you.
If you see some of these signs in your relationship, it’s a good indication that you’re the only one in his life.
Most people want a faithful partner who’ll love them wholeheartedly and not cheat in a relationship, but not everyone is lucky to find a loyal companion.
If you’re wondering whether you’re the only woman in your man’s life, watch out for the following signs:
1. He tells you everything
When a man is cheating in a relationship, he tends to be secretive about everything so he doesn’t blow his cover.
However, if you’re the only woman in a man’s life, he’ll have nothing to hide and will always be transparent with you.
For example, when you ask him questions about anything, his answers will sound genuine and you’ll feel as if he’s telling you the truth.
We all have an inner alarm bell that notifies us when something feels off in a relationship but most people ignore it.
A surefire way to know if you’re the only woman in his life is to observe his words and actions.
If you have a gut feeling that he’s being honest and straightforward with you, that’s a good sign.
2. He prioritizes your needs
Another sign that you’re the only woman in your man’s life is if he’s attentive to your needs.
When a man deeply loves you, he’ll take note of your likes and dislikes so that he can always do the things that please you.
A man who has multiple partners will be distracted and won’t have time to know what makes you tick.
He’ll often forget little details about you and will be negligent when it comes to your well-being.
If your man often prioritizes your needs and makes sure you’re comfortable, that’s a sign he’s solely focused on you.
3. He’s consistent with his words and actions
A loyal man has integrity and always keeps to his word. He won’t say one thing and mean another thing or try to deceive you with lies.
One thing cheaters have in common is their sneakiness and lying nature; they always hide secrets and makeup stories to cover up their infidelity.
When you’re the only woman in a man’s life, you’ll notice that he’ll be truthful to you in your relationship.
For instance, if he says he’s going to Church, that’s where you’ll find him and if he tells you he’s working late at the office, you’ll meet him there doing his job.
If your man is trustworthy and reliable, it means he’s a good partner who will never hurt you intentionally.
4. He doesn’t stay out late at night
For most men, staying out late often leads to overdrinking and irresponsible behavior.
If a man always heads to the pub after work or hangs out with his friends every night, there’s an increased possibility that he’ll cheat on you with another woman.
According to research studies, alcohol can lower someone’s inhibitions, alter their moods, and cloud their judgment which can make them act differently.
A man is more likely to stay faithful to his woman if he’s not a heavy drinker and doesn’t stay out late at night.
If your partner often comes straight home from work and indulges in moderate drinking, there’s a high chance he’s not cheating on you.
5. He’s super affectionate and romantic toward you
Does your man regularly do little romantic things to make you feel special?
Does he make passionate love to you often? That’s a positive sign.
A man who is having an affair with another woman may neglect you and avoid sleeping with you because his needs are being met by someone else.
He’ll also stop being loving and affectionate as he used to be.
If your partner is attracted to you and wants to be physically intimate with you most of the time, that’s a sign you’re the only woman in his life.
6. He always keep in touch with you
Another way to tell if you’re the only woman in your man’s life is if he always keeps in touch with you regularly.
When you’re the only woman in a man’s life, he’ll think about you all the time.
Even when he’s busy, thoughts of you will keep popping into his head and he’ll reach out at the slightest chance he gets.
If your man always wants to know what you’re up to when you’re apart from each other, that’s a really good sign.
A cheating partner may forget to call because he’s busy entertaining other women and will come up with lots of excuses to justify his suspicious behavior.
7. He’s not protective of his phone
A big sign your partner is having an affair is that they spend a lot of time on their phone and won’t let you touch it.
They’ll carry their mobile phone with them all the time and will be extra protective of it so you don’t see its contents.
A man who’s faithful to you and has nothing to hide will even give you his passwords if you request it.
Of course, this doesn’t mean you should ask for access to your man’s gadgets.
It’s a voluntary action that happens when there is mutual trust in a romantic relationship.
But if you notice that your man isn’t secretive or anxious about his phone activity, that’s a good indicator that you’re the only woman in his life.
8. He picks up most of his calls in your presence
Another sign your man is faithful to you is that he makes most of his phone calls in your presence.
Once a partner begins to sneak out to answer their calls, they’re definitely hiding something from you, and most times it’s another woman.
It’s understandable if someone occasionally needs privacy to answer a phone call but if it happens often, that’s a red flag.
If your man feels free and relaxed to pick up his calls when you’re together, that’s a sure sign you’re the only woman in his life.
9. He creates time to bond with you
When a man has committed to building a long-term relationship with you, he’ll try to always be available whenever you need him.
This means he’ll focus his attention on you, make out time to be with you, and put your needs first.
A man who’s cheating on you will spend less time with you and avoid being physically close to you because his interest is somewhere else.
Does your man spend quality time with you regularly? That’s a sure sign you’re the only woman in his life and he’s deeply attached to you.
10. He remembers the important dates in your relationship
Does your partner celebrate with you on special occasions?
A sure sign you’re the only woman in a man’s life is when he remembers the special dates in your relationship without being reminded.
Sometimes people forget their partner’s birthday and even their own anniversary but it doesn’t happen repeatedly.
If you always have to remind your man about the important dates in your relationship and also plan a romantic date for two, that’s not a good sign.
When you’re the only woman in a man’s life, he’ll grab every opportunity to have fun with you, especially during special occasions.
11. He’s transparent with his schedule and activities
A clear sign you’re the only woman in a man’s life is that he’ll keep you updated about his whereabouts.
For example, if your man is going to another part of town for business, he’ll let you know beforehand and if he’s working late, he’ll also inform you.
A cheating partner also does this but the difference is that they’ll lie about their actual location to keep you in the dark.
If your man is often honest and transparent about his daily schedule, that’s a really good sign.
And you’ll know if he’s being truthful because of your instincts and his previous behavior.
12. He’s not interested in other women
When a man has only one woman in his life, she becomes his everything and he’ll focus all his attention on her.
If your man doesn’t seem interested in other women and you’ve never caught him cheating on you, it’s a good indication that you’re the only one in his life.
Men who behave in a suspicious manner and flirt openly with other women when they’re in a relationship are not likely to stay faithful to their romantic partners.
So if your man has never interacted with any woman in a questionable manner since he started dating you, that’s a bonus point for him.
13. He’s always there for you
Is your man always there for you emotionally, physically, and financially?
Can you rely on him in your time of need? That’s a huge sign you’re the only woman in his life.
Most men who cheat often have to divide their time, energy, and resources which means they won’t have much left for you after entertaining other women.
And when you’re in need, they’ll be unavailable or incapable of helping you because they’re too busy having fun with their side chicks.
If your man supports you and is always there for you no matter what, that’s a sign you’ve got a great partner who cherishes you.
14. He hasn’t given you any reason to doubt him
How do you feel about the state of your love life? Do you feel safe, comfortable, and secure with your man?
A major sign you’re the only woman in your man’s life is that you have no reason to doubt his love and devotion to you.
You know deep in your heart that you have a good partner who’s doing his best to keep you happy and make your relationship work.
Even when you occasionally feel insecure or have doubts about being the only one in his life, he’ll do everything he can to make you feel safe in the relationship.
A guilty man who’s cheating on you will become defensive or avoidant when you express your concerns about his suspicious behavior.
If your man hasn’t given you any reason to question his loyalty and you’re convinced he’s faithful to you, that’s a really good sign.
I’ve given you several signs to help you confirm that you have a great partner who’s deeply committed to you and isn’t cheating on you.
It can be confusing to know if you’re the only woman in a man’s life because cheaters are often secretive about their affairs.
You could be with a partner who has another girlfriend and you won’t even know it if he’s a seasoned cheater that covers his tracks well.
However, there are many telltale signs that show up when your partner is loyal and faithful to you.
If your man creates time for you, picks up his phone calls in your presence, and keeps you up to date with his daily activities, that’s a sure sign you’re the only woman in his life.
When a man loves a woman wholeheartedly, he’s often warm, affectionate, and transparent with her about everything.
And you’ll notice that he’ll do many things to make her feel safe, comfortable, and secure in the relationship.
If you’re having doubts about your man’s infidelity, talk to him about it so you can work out any issues hindering the growth of your love life.
However, if you see most of the signs mentioned in this article and you feel confident in your heart that your man is faithful to you, it means you have a good partner.
Recommended Reading:
How To Tell If Your Man Is Loyal To You
20 Undeniable Signs He Loves You Deeply
How To Capture A Man’s Heart Forever
About The Author
Jennifer Dagi
Jennifer Dagi is happily married to her best friend and the love of her life.
As a relationship coach, she is passionate about helping couples build healthy and happy relationships.
She strongly believes communication and intimacy are the most important ingredients for building a successful relationship.
Join her on a fabulous journey to improve your love life one step at a time and don't forget to subscribe for weekly blog updates.