How can you tell if you’re with the wrong person? Many telltale signs show up when you’re dating someone who’s not right for you.
However, a lot of people choose to remain in the wrong relationship despite the obvious red flags they see.
The truth is, when you stay with the wrong person, you’re prolonging a heartbreak that’s bound to happen and also preventing the right partner from locating you.
No matter how much effort you put into a relationship, it won’t work out if you’re incompatible with each other.
And you’ll end up wasting your time, energy, and money trying to build something that has no future.
It’s important to know when your relationship isn’t going anywhere, so you can take the necessary action and save yourself from heartache.
This article explores 15 telltale signs you’re with the wrong person and how to know it’s time to walk away.
It can be hard to admit to yourself that you’re in the wrong relationship because you love your partner and want to stay with them.
However, some people are not meant to be together and it’s safer to go your separate ways if you’re not a good match for each other.
If you see any of these warning signs in your relationship, take it as a clear indication that your partner isn’t right for you.
1. You feel neglected, abandoned, and unloved
One of the most common signs you’re with the wrong person is that you’ll experience feelings of neglect and rejection on a regular basis.
For example, you may constantly have to chase your partner for love, affection, and quality time because they prefer to hang out with other people and refuse to spend time with you.
When you’re in a healthy relationship, you’ll feel loved, respected, and valued.
You won’t have to question if your significant other wants you in their life because they’ll make out time for you regularly and you’ll know you’re deeply loved.
If your partner often abandons you and puts their needs first all the time, that’s a clear sign you’re in the wrong relationship.
2. There is no emotional connection between you
Emotional intimacy is the glue that connects a couple and keeps them together for the long haul.
Once there is no bond between two people, it can be difficult for the relationship to grow.
If you realize that you’re not emotionally close to each other and you often feel empty when you’re around your partner, that’s a sign you’re with the wrong person.
3. You don’t trust each other wholeheartedly
Mutual trust is essential in building a long-term relationship with someone.
Lack of trust amongst romantic couples can lead to jealousy, poor communication, and intimacy problems in the long run.
If you have ongoing trust issues in your relationship that you’re unable to resolve, that’s a huge sign you’re with the wrong person.
There is really no essence in staying with a partner whom you don’t completely trust and can’t be vulnerable with.
You’ll always have feelings of doubt, uncertainty, and insecurity lingering between you if you choose to remain in the relationship.
4. Your partner is not supportive or reliable
Being independent and self-sufficient in a relationship is a good idea. However, no man is an island and you can’t do everything alone.
That’s why it’s so comforting to have a partner who consistently supports you and has your best interests at heart.
If you discover that your partner always sabotages your efforts and you can’t rely on them for anything, that’s a big red flag.
You’ll find it extremely difficult to thrive when you’re in a toxic relationship with someone who stunts your growth and refuses to support you.
Consider quitting the relationship if your significant other continues to be unreliable and unsupportive toward you.
5. Your friends and family are skeptical about your partner
A surefire way to know if you’re with the wrong person is to listen to what your loved ones say about your romantic partner.
This doesn’t mean that a friend or family member can choose your life partner for you or dictate how you run your relationship.
But, if many people in your inner circle point out some red flags in your love life and advise you to leave your partner, you may save yourself from pain or trauma by paying regard to their words.
Typically, when you’re deeply in love with someone, you may not see the warning signs that they’re not good for you even though it’s glaring to other people.
If a majority of your friends and family members don’t approve of your significant other, seriously consider their opinions to see if you’re missing something vital.
You may discover that you’re blind to your partner’s shortcomings and keep making excuses for them when they’re not meeting up to your expectations.
6. You feel extremely bored in the relationship
Another way to tell if you’re with the wrong person is to observe your feelings and listen to your instincts.
Does your significant other make your heart beat faster when they touch you?
Do you have butterflies in your tummy when they smile at you?
Do you miss your partner intensely when you’re apart from each other?
While a romantic partner isn’t responsible for your happiness, you should feel a certain level of passion and excitement when you’re around them.
If you feel bored and disinterested when you’re with your partner, that’s a sure sign you’re in the wrong relationship.
7. You desperately want your partner to change
Do you often wish your partner would change their personality and behave like someone else?
Maybe you love them but dislike how they walk or talk and you can’t stand their attitude.
When you constantly compare your intimate partner and wish that they’ll transform into another person, that’s a major sign you need to end your relationship.
If you’re with the right person you’ll accept their best qualities as well as their flaws and be ready to compromise whenever necessary.
8. You both want different things in life
A major contributing factor to a successful relationship is that both partners are on the same page and want similar things.
Sure, you don’t need to mirror your significant other’s lifestyle or neglect your own interests to follow theirs.
But, it’s important that you agree on the most vital things in life such as career, finance, and religion.
If you have different expectations and life goals, there’s no way you can build a successful relationship together because you’ll always fight and disagree.
Once a couple is constantly fighting each other, the emotional intimacy can fade away, leaving them both empty and dissatisfied.
If you clearly want separate things out of life and can’t seem to be on the same page with your partner, that’s a clear sign you’re with the wrong person.
9. You don’t have the same beliefs and values
Similar to relationship expectations and life goals, a couple needs to adopt the same morals and belief system to enjoy a happy love life.
For example, if you value honesty, open communication, and financial transparency, it’s essential that you find a partner who aligns with your beliefs.
Likewise, if you plan to have a large family in the future and want your kids to be raised in a particular way, your significant other should also be on board.
Having shared values as a couple is fundamental to the success of your relationship.
If you realize that you and your partner have differing opinions on the most important things in life, it could be a sign that you’re with the wrong person.
10. You’re not your real self when you’re with your partner
Do you often have to pretend to be someone else when you’re around your significant other?
It can be exhausting to constantly put up a show to impress a romantic partner and keep them interested in you.
While it’s good to behave well and try to make your loved one happy, if you feel uncomfortable or unhappy because you’re trying to be the perfect partner, that’s not a good sign.
When you’re in a healthy relationship, you’ll feel free to be yourself and show your true personality at all times.
You won’t have to fake your identity or try to change into something you’re not to please your partner.
A major sign you’re with the wrong person is that you constantly have to go the extra mile to convince your significant other that you’re a suitable partner for them.
The right person will accept you for who you are and you won’t have to become somebody else to feel good enough to be in a loving relationship.
11. You feel rushed or pressured in the relationship
Does your partner force you to do things you don’t like?
Do you feel as if you don’t have a say and always have to do their bidding? That’s another sign you’re not meant for each other.
When you’re in a mutually satisfying relationship, you’ll feel a certain level of peace, comfort, and security.
A loving partner respects you, empathizes with you, and takes your personal boundaries seriously.
They’ll also listen to you and try to understand your point of view when you disagree.
A toxic partner, on the other hand, will always want to dominate the relationship, manipulate you, and control your actions.
If you feel forced or pressured in your relationship, it’s a clear indication that you’re with the wrong person.
12. You’re sacrificing a lot to be with your partner
Do you often go out of your way to please your partner? Are you the only one who looks for ways to improve your relationship?
Does your significant other refuse to reciprocate even when you’ve sacrificed so much to be with them?
A great relationship requires 50/50 from both partners and one person shouldn’t be carrying the responsibilities alone.
It’s important that your partner can complement your efforts and support you in your endeavors.
If you’re investing way too much into the relationship and giving up a lot of things that make you happy just to be with your partner, you’re definitely with the wrong person.
Without compromise, it can be challenging to build a successful love life, so it’s crucial to have a partner who’s willing to cooperate with you and put in the effort to make the relationship work.
13. You’re unhappy in the relationship
Do you feel unhappy with your partner? Sometimes, this happens when you have more bad moments than good times in your relationship.
While it’s impossible to be joyful all the time, when you’re with a good partner, you’ll experience more happiness than sadness.
If you realize that you’re unhappy or depressed as a result of being with your partner, that’s a huge sign you need to walk away.
A romantic relationship is meant to energize and empower you, not suffocate you or crush your soul.
Stop giving your partner endless chances to change their behavior and love you the way you want because you may be hoping for the unattainable.
14. Your partner isn’t giving you the level of commitment you want
Does your partner put in little effort and give you the bare minimum while you want more out of your relationship?
If you’re dissatisfied with the level of commitment you’re getting from your significant other, that’s another sign you’re with the wrong person.
A romantic relationship requires genuine love, solid trust, and mutual commitment to be successful.
When you’re getting half-hearted efforts from your partner even after you’ve clearly communicated your needs, it’s an indication that you’re not headed in the right direction.
Staying with a low-commitment partner can leave you frustrated, depressed, and resentful, which are not the right emotions you should be experiencing in an intimate relationship.
15. You’re the only one who wants the relationship to work
Similar to a business partnership, a successful relationship needs two willing partners who are ready to do what it takes to make their love life thrive.
If one partner is reluctant to work on improving the relationship and leaves the burden on the other, it can be challenging to remain together as a couple.
Does it seem like you’re the only person who really wants the relationship to work out?
Do you always make plans for date nights, bring up communication topics, and try to fix all the issues going wrong in your relationship?
When a romantic partner neglects their responsibilities and leaves you to do the hard work of maintaining a relationship alone, it’s a sign they’re not interested in building something long-term with you.
A lack of interest and consistent effort is a clear indicator that you’re with the wrong person and need to consider leaving.
Being with the wrong person can make you feel bored, unloved, and insecure.
No matter how much you try to fix your relationship, it may never work out because you’re not compatible with each other.
If you discover that you’re with the wrong partner, you can either choose to turn a blind eye and remain in the relationship or take a leap of faith and end things with your significant other.
While it’s painful to break up with someone you love, it’s better to be honest with your relationship expectations and go for what you want than to settle for less and be unhappy for the rest of your life.
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