How To Make Him Leave You Alone

how to make him leave you alone

Unwanted attention from a guy can be seriously annoying.

When you’ve made it clear you’re not interested, but he won’t take the hint, you may silently wish you could become invisible or just disappear.

If you’re tired of dodging texts and making up excuses to avoid yet another coffee date, we’ve got your back.

It’s time to put an end to the endless pursuit and get that dude to finally back off for good.

In this article, we’ll show you how to get a guy to leave you alone so you can enjoy some peace of mind.

how to make him leave you alone


Have you repeatedly told a guy you’re not interested but he just won’t take the hint and keeps pursuing you no matter how many times you’ve brushed him off?

It’s exhausting, right?

Whether it’s the creepy coworker who won’t stop asking you out or that clingy dude from the bar who got your phone number, sometimes you need to take drastic measures.

If you’re tired of hiding from that persistent guy, here’s how to make him leave you alone for good.

1. Set clear boundaries from the start

When a guy won’t take the hint, it’s time to be firm and put up some walls.

Setting boundaries isn’t about being mean – it’s about respecting yourself and helping him understand where you stand.

When you want a guy to stop chasing you, try not to sugarcoat your words. Tell him plainly, “I’m not interested in dating you.”

It might feel awkward, but it’s kinder in the long run. Avoid phrases like “maybe someday” or “I’m not ready right now” that could give false hope.

If he’s still not getting it, reduce your interactions. Don’t reply to every text or accept every invitation.

It’s okay to be “busy” more often than not. Remember, you’re not obligated to explain your whereabouts or respond immediately.

Once you’ve set a boundary, maintain it. If you give in occasionally, it sends mixed signals.

Be consistent in your actions and words. It might feel tough, but it’s the clearest way to show you mean business.

how to make him leave you alone

2. Be direct, but kind

When it comes to letting a guy know you’re not interested, honesty truly is the best policy.

However, you can tell him how you feel without being cruel or condescending.

When you’re ready to have the talk, pick a time when you’re both calm and arrange to meet in a quiet place.

This isn’t a conversation to be had in a crowded coffee shop or on the phone.

Use “I” statements when you talk and be sure to frame your words around your feelings and perspective.

For example, you can say “I don’t feel a romantic connection” rather than “You’re not my type.” This approach is less likely to put him on the defensive.

Don’t leave room for misinterpretation though. Phrases like “I’m not ready to be in a relationship right now” or “I don’t see us as more than friends” leave little doubt about where you stand.

Be sure to communicate your real feelings but avoid sounding harsh.

It’s okay to be kind while still being firm in your decision. Your goal is to end his pursuit, not crush his spirit.

3. Avoid giving mixed signals

Another way you can get a guy to stop chasing you is to be crystal clear in your communication.

Mixed signals can give false hope and prolong unwanted attention. Here’s how to ensure your message is loud and clear:

• Be consistent in your actions

Your behavior should align with your words. If you’ve told him you’re not interested, don’t engage in flirty conversations or accept invitations to hang out one-on-one. Maintain a polite but distant demeanor in all interactions.

• Communicate directly

Don’t sugarcoat your feelings or leave room for interpretation. Use straightforward language like, “I’m not interested in dating you” or “I don’t see a romantic future for us.” Avoid vague phrases that could be misunderstood.

• Set clear boundaries

Establish and enforce firm boundaries. This might mean limiting contact, not responding to late-night texts, or declining invitations to events where you’d be alone together. Stick to these boundaries consistently to reinforce your message.

4. Limit contact with him

When you’re trying to get a guy to stop chasing you, one of the most effective strategies is to limit your contact with him.

This doesn’t mean you need to be rude or completely ghost him, but rather create some healthy distance.

Start by gradually decreasing the frequency and duration of your interactions.

Take longer to respond to texts or calls, and keep your replies brief and to the point. Avoid initiating conversations or making plans to meet up.

If he persists, be direct but polite. Let him know that you’re not interested in pursuing a romantic relationship.

Use “I” statements to express your feelings without placing blame, such as “I don’t feel a connection” or “I’m not looking for a relationship right now.”

Remember, it’s okay to prioritize your own comfort and well-being.

By limiting contact, you’re sending a clear message about your intentions and giving both of you space to move on.

how to make him leave you alone

5. Pretend you’re dating someone else

When a guy just won’t take the hint, sometimes you need to do something drastic to push him away.

Pretending you’re already taken can be an effective way to get him to back off. Here’s how to pull it off:

• Drop hints about your “partner”

Casually mention your “significant other” in conversation. Talk about recent dates or cute things they’ve done for you.

This plants the seed that you’re unavailable without being too obvious.

• Use social media strategically

Post a few couple photos or relationship memes on your accounts.

You don’t need an actual boyfriend—just borrow some pics from a male friend. The pursuer will likely check your profiles and assume that you’re taken.

• Ask a friend for help

If you’re comfortable with it, ask a platonic guy friend to play along as your boyfriend for a while.

Have him pick you up or stop by when the persistent suitor is around. Seeing you with another man may finally get the message across.

6. Avoid going to places where you’ll meet him

One of the most effective strategies to shake off an unwanted admirer is to simply make yourself scarce.

If you know his usual hangouts, it’s best to avoid going there. Does he frequent your favorite coffee shop?

Maybe it’s time to explore that new café across town. Is he always at the gym during your usual workout time?

Consider adjusting your schedule or finding a different fitness center.

If you share mutual friends, you might find yourself running into him at social gatherings. In these cases, be selective about which events you attend.

If you know he’ll be at a party, it might be best to sit that one out.

When you do go to group events, try to arrive later or leave earlier to minimize the chances of an awkward encounter.

However, your goal shouldn’t be to completely change your daily routine, but to create some distance.

By being mindful of where you go and when, you can significantly reduce the opportunities for unwanted interactions without sacrificing your own social life.

how to make him leave you alone

7. Get support from your friends

When dealing with unwanted attention, your squad can be your secret weapon.

Don’t go it alone—lean on your besties for both emotional support and practical help.

Enlist a trusted friend to be your wingwoman (or wingman) when you’re out. They can help to scare Mr. Persistent away or create distractions for you to escape awkward situations. 

Plus, there’s safety in numbers. You can also practice your responses beforehand and role-play scenarios with friends to build your confidence.

Brainstorm firm but polite ways to shut down advances. Your pals can offer feedback and help you perfect your rejection speech.

Sometimes you just need to rant about that guy who won’t take a hint. Let it all out to sympathetic ears.

Friends can validate your feelings and remind you that you’re not overreacting.

A good venting session can be seriously cathartic. Don’t hesitate to call in reinforcements when you need them.


When you’re trying to get a guy to stop chasing you, being direct and setting firm boundaries is key.

Don’t feel guilty about prioritizing your own comfort and peace of mind. If he can’t take a hint, that’s on him, not you.

At the end of the day, you deserve to feel safe and respected in your interactions.

So stand your ground, trust your gut, and don’t be afraid to involve others if needed.

You’ve got better things to do than deal with unwanted attention, so put up those walls and go live your best life!


Recommended reading:

15 Telltale Signs You’re With The Wrong Person

9 Surprising Reasons Why You Keep Attracting The Wrong Partner

How To Stop Falling For The Wrong People

About The Author

Jennifer Dagi

Jennifer Dagi is happily married to her best friend and the love of her life.

As a relationship coach, she is passionate about helping couples build healthy and happy relationships.

She strongly believes communication and intimacy are the most important ingredients for building a successful relationship.

Join her on a fabulous journey to improve your love life one step at a time and don't forget to subscribe for weekly blog updates.

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