12 Early Signs A Relationship Won’t Last

signs a relationship won't last

Many people get into a relationship with expectations that it will last.

However, the longevity of a romantic relationship depends on the compatibility level of a couple, their personality traits, and the behaviors they exhibit.

Some early signs a relationship won’t last are poor communication, lack of mutual respect, and trust issues.

In this blog post, we take a look at some warning signs a new relationship may not stand the test of time.

By recognizing these red flags, you can turn things around and build a lasting connection with your partner.


The future of your relationship depends on the actions you take today.

If you just started dating someone, here are the top signs your relationship may not go the distance and what you can do to ensure success.

1. Lack of communication 

Communication is the lifeblood of a healthy relationship. If there is poor communication in your love life, it can create distance and misunderstandings.

When communication starts to break down, so does the relationship.

If you and your partner can’t talk openly about your feelings, desires, and problems, how will you build intimacy and overcome obstacles together?

Pay attention if conversations seem superficial or forced, or if one of you frequently avoids difficult discussions.

Successful couples make quality communication a priority.

They share how they truly feel, listen without judgment, compromise when needed, and work as a team to resolve issues.

Lack of communication is a big warning sign a relationship won’t last long, so start talking!

Have a weekly relationship check-in, share your dreams and fears, give compliments, and say “I love you” often.

Make eye contact, put away distractions, and be fully present. This level of intimacy and support will make your relationship thrive.

Open, honest communication is the foundation of a healthy, long-lasting relationship. If you’re not talking, start now – your love life depends on it!

Express your affection, share your authentic self, and bond over meaningful conversations.

By strengthening communication, you’ll increase the chances of long-term success in your relationship.

signs a relationship won't last

2. Constant fighting 

While disagreements are normal in any relationship, constant conflicts and an inability to resolve them can indicate deeper compatibility issues.

If you and your significant other can’t stop fighting, that’s a major red flag your relationship may not go the distance.

Constant arguments mean you’re not on the same page.

When you’re constantly at odds over everything from chores to quality time, it shows a lack of understanding and compromise.

The good news is, communication and counseling can help get you back on track!

Try setting aside time regularly just to talk and reconnect with each other.

Make an effort to see your partner’s perspective, focus on listening, and find win-win solutions.

With work, you can get past any rough patch. But if fighting remains constant despite your best efforts, it may be time to reevaluate the relationship.

After all, life’s too short to spend it arguing with someone you care about!

Staying in a tumultuous relationship long-term often does more harm than good.

3. Lack of emotional intimacy 

When there’s a lack of emotional intimacy in a relationship, it’s hard to build a strong connection.

If you find yourself holding back from opening up to your partner about your feelings, hopes, dreams, and vulnerabilities, that’s a sign the relationship may not succeed.

Emotional intimacy means:

-Sharing details of your life, experiences, and past

-Discussing your feelings, desires, fears, and weaknesses

-Offering emotional support to each other

-Trusting each other with sensitive information

Without this type of closeness, a relationship can feel superficial or unsatisfying.

While physical intimacy is important, emotional intimacy is the glue that binds two people together.

If you’ve been dating for a while but still feel like you don’t fully know or understand your partner, that’s a warning the relationship won’t last.

The good news is emotional intimacy can be built over time through open communication and quality time together, so start sharing and connecting on a deeper level!

4. Trust issues

Trust is the foundation of a healthy relationship.

If there are consistent trust issues, such as jealousy, secrecy, or dishonesty, it may be a sign your relationship is headed for trouble.

When you catch your partner lying or hiding things from you, confront them about it!

Small lies can turn into bigger deceptions, damaging the trust between you two.

Come clean right away by talking through the situation honestly and openly.

Truthful communication is the best way to get your relationship back on track and build a solid connection with your partner.

Early signs a relationship won't last

5. Different values and goals 

If your goals and values don’t align, your relationship may be doomed before it even starts. Pay attention to these early warning signs early on:

• You have totally different views on finances. Maybe you’re a saver hoping to retire early and your partner spends money like it’s going out of style.

Financial values are hard to compromise on, so this fundamental difference could cause trouble.

• Your ideas of fun are opposites. If you’re an adventure seeker who loves spontaneous trips and new experiences but your partner is a homebody who’s content with a quiet night in, you’ll struggle to find common ground.

• You disagree on the big things like marriage or kids. If building a family together is your vision of the future but your partner never wants kids, you’ll face an impossible choice down the road.

It’s best to address deal breakers like this openly and honestly before getting in too deep.

Pay attention to these signs that your core values and life goals aren’t aligned.

While relationships require work, compromise, and sacrifice, differences on fundamental issues are hard to overcome.

If you and your partner have fundamentally different values, life goals, or visions for the future, it can create significant challenges and hinder long-term compatibility.

Try to compromise where you can but if you discover that you’re just not the right match, you may be better off going your separate ways.

6. Lack of mutual respect 

Lack of mutual respect is a huge red flag. If you find yourself frequently putting your partner down or not valuing their thoughts and feelings, it’s time for a reality check.

A healthy relationship is built on mutual understanding and compassion.

Whenever you catch yourself thinking “They’re overreacting” or “They don’t know what they’re talking about,” stop and reframe your thinking.

Your partner deserves your respect. Make an effort to see things from their perspective and be open-minded to their experiences.

Likewise, if your partner frequently dismisses your feelings or opinions, speak up!

Explain that you need to feel heard and valued in order to build trust and intimacy.

Compromise and finding common ground are so important. If you give respect, you’ll get respect in return.

But if after trying your best to improve communication and understand each other better, you still don’t feel respected, it may be time to reevaluate the relationship.

You deserve to be in a partnership where you feel heard, supported, and cared for. Don’t settle for anything less!

7. Ignored boundaries 

You know the relationship is on shaky ground if your partner frequently ignores established boundaries.

Healthy relationships are built on mutual trust and respect. If they brush off your requests for space or privacy, that’s a major red flag the relationship won’t endure.

Maybe you’ve asked them not to drop by unannounced or go through your phone, but they do it anyway.

Perhaps you’ve requested taking a night off from texting to focus on work or friends, but your phone is blowing up with messages.

Disregarding your needs and limits indicates a lack of respect that will only cause bigger issues down the road.

Don’t ignore these warnings – have an open and honest conversation about what you both want and expect from the relationship.

Compromise and listening to each other are must-haves for a partnership to thrive long-term.

If they continue to trample all over your boundaries after you’ve voiced your concerns, sadly, the writing may already be on the wall.

The choice is ultimately up to you, but you deserve a healthy relationship where your limits and consent are valued.

signs a relationship won't last

8. Disinterest in conflict resolution 

When you find yourself dragging your feet to resolve issues in the relationship or avoiding difficult conversations altogether, that’s a big red flag.

Compromise and conflict resolution are the hallmarks of a healthy relationship.

If you’ve lost interest in working through challenges together or feel defeated before you’ve even begun, that enthusiasm and team spirit has started to fade.

Perhaps you’re no longer motivated to put in effort because you’ve realized you want different things or the issues run too deep.

Rather than tackling problems head-on with optimism and creativity, you make excuses, blame the other person, or bury your head in the sand.

You’d rather sweep issues under the rug than risk an argument or hurt feelings.

But avoiding conflict only makes the situation worse and breeds resentment.

Relationships require work, communication, and a shared commitment to overcoming obstacles together.

If you’ve lost that spark of determination, it may be a sign your relationship has run its course. But don’t give up hope just yet!

Rekindling your motivation to compromise and resolve conflicts constructively can get you back on track.

The desire to understand each other and find common ground is what you need to keep your love alive.

9. Frequent criticism 

If your partner frequently criticizes you over small things, it’s a sign the relationship won’t last.

Constant criticism chips away at your confidence and self-esteem, creating resentment that builds over time.

Look for patterns. Notice if the criticism happens frequently or only during times of stress.

Repeated criticism, especially over minor issues, is a major red flag. Your partner should build you up, not tear you down!

Rather than attacking you personally, a healthy partner will express concerns constructively and with care.

If you’re constantly walking on eggshells to avoid another barrage of criticism, this dynamic won’t be sustainable long-term.

The good news is you can speak up and let your partner know their criticism is hurtful and needs to stop.

If they refuse to change, consider leaving the relationship. You deserve a caring partner who appreciates you for who you are!

10. Lack of compromise 

Compromise is the grease that keeps the wheels of a relationship turning.

Without it, you’re in for a bumpy ride. If you find that you and your partner rarely meet in the middle, it may spell trouble down the line.

Do you dig your heels in during arguments, refusing to budge from your position?

Does one person always get their way while the other simmers with resentment?

Successful couples know that a willingness to compromise is key.

They appreciate that a relationship is a two-way street, and they take turns giving and taking.

Rather than seeing compromise as losing or giving in, try viewing it as a chance to strengthen your bond.

Be open to listening to the other perspective with an open mind.

Look for solutions that satisfy you both, even if they’re not 100% perfect. Flexibility and a spirit of cooperation will serve you well.

A lack of compromise suggests a lack of respect or care for your partner’s needs and desires.

It hints at selfishness and an unwillingness to put the relationship first.

If left unaddressed, the little issues will turn into bigger problems as resentment builds over time.

So start making compromises, big and small, and get your relationship headed in the right direction.

signs a relationship won't last

11. Unequal effort 

When both people aren’t putting in equal effort, the relationship is doomed to fail.

If you’re the only one initiating dates or conversations, that’s a huge red flag.

Romantic relationships require work, compromise, and a willingness to meet each other halfway.

If you’re putting in all the effort to make plans, start meaningful discussions, or do small things to show you care while your partner sits back and coasts, that imbalance will only breed resentment over time.

A healthy relationship is a two-way street. Both people should be equally engaged and willing to put in the effort to strengthen the connection.

Don’t feel bad about calling out unequal effort and explaining that you need to see more initiative and work from your partner’s side.

If they’re unwilling to step up after that conversation, you deserve a relationship where you’re not carrying all the weight.

Walk away before the imbalance destroys your self-esteem and ability to trust others. You deserve a real partnership where you’re both all in.

12. Lack of support 

If your partner doesn’t support your goals or dreams, that’s a sign you’re in a bad relationship.

Relationships require encouragement and teamwork.

When you tell your significant other about your hopes, do they cheer you on or try to talk you out of it?

A supportive partner will be your biggest fan. They’ll ask how they can assist you in achieving your ambitions and celebrate each milestone along the way.

If your lover is apathetic or actively discourages your pursuits, it shows a lack of care for your well-being and happiness.

This selfish behavior will only intensify over time and damage your self-esteem. Why stay with someone who doesn’t have your back?

You deserve a companion who inspires you to pursue your purpose and helps you become the best version of yourself.

Don’t settle for anything less. The right partner will be your rock, confidant, and champion. They’ll lift you up with positivity and praise.

If you’re with someone who holds you back rather than pushes you forward, that’s a sign your relationship won’t last.

The foundation of true love is support. Without it, unhappiness is sure to follow.

So if your partner shows no interest in your hopes, dreams, or accomplishments, that’s your cue to leave.

Don’t waste another day with someone who won’t be there to cheer you on through life’s failures and successes. You’re worth so much more than that!


Signs a relationship won’t work are often evident from the beginning but most people ignore them.

If you notice your love life isn’t headed in the right direction, you owe it to yourself to address the underlying issues and have the courage to walk away if needed.

You deserve to be in a healthy relationship where you feel heard, respected and cared for.

Life is too short to settle for less. Take action today to build the relationship you want and need.

While it’s good to be aware of issues early on, these signs should not be seen as definitive proof that a relationship is doomed.

Every relationship is unique, and it’s important to consider the context, communicate openly, and seek professional help if needed.


Recommended Reading:

Top 10 Reasons Why Relationships Fail

7 Most Important Things Every Relationship Needs

15 Telltale Signs You’re With The Wrong Person

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